
what flowers are best to grow at home

Flowers personify joy, solemnity, create a warm and harmonious atmosphere in the room. A hostess who wants to create comfort and beauty in her home cannot do without indoor flowers. By the way, indoor flowers will not only bring a natural variety of colors into the house, but will also be beneficial to health. Indoor plants, in addition to enriching the room with oxygen and pleasing the eye, also increase air humidity and have bactericidal properties. What kind of flowers are good to keep at home – this is our article.

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How to arrange flowers in the house correctly – in which room

Before deciding which flowers are best to grow at home, you need to decide which room they will be in, evaluate the illumination and humidity of the room.

  • If the room has insufficient lighting and dry air, then here it is desirable to arrange flowers that are resistant to such conditions. Hardy flowers include: passionflower, monstera, liana synapsus, philodendron, rhombic cissus.
  • To add to a room with pastel colors bright colors, you can put flowers there such as gloxinia, pelargonium, royal begonia, cyclamen.

Do not forget that each flower has its own energy:

  • Filling with the energy of joy, love of life and the desire to move forward will help hyacinth
  • Lemon – will invigorate and help to overcome various phobias.
  • Hibiscus (chinese rose) – will bring joy, love, desire for new achievements into the house, and will also help those people who suffer from heart diseases to feel better.
  • Violet uzambar – will give aesthetic pleasure and improve the mood of all family members. It can be placed in any room.
  • Cyclamen – will help restore the inner harmony of a person, tune in to the positive, awaken the desire to do something beautiful, for example, decorate a house or arrange a holiday.
  • The best flower for a house where a timid person lives is anthurium… Such a flower will help to overcome stiffness and can be placed in any room.
  • Suitable for creative individuals indoor spruce, which enhances creative activity. The best place to place a room spruce is considered to be work areas: offices, workshops, reception rooms.
  • To improve your financial situation, you need to acquire fat tree tree (money tree)… It needs to be placed next to orange tree, then the monetary effect will not be long in coming.
flower in a pot
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The best flowers for the home are considered to be those that bring aesthetic pleasure, help in promoting health and improve the atmosphere of the home.

People who are thinking of getting indoor flowers need to know which flowers are best to keep at home and in which rooms this would be the best option:

  • For bedroom flowers such as begonia, gardenia, lemon, hibiscus, cyclamen are suitable. And the red camellia will kindle passion and bring new impressions and emotions into your intimate life.
What flowers are good to keep at home: a list of the best flowers for the hearth
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  • In the children’s room there should be flowers that are odorless, do not affect the child’s sleep and do not cause allergies. These include indoor maple (abutilone), asparagus, tradescantia.
What flowers are good to keep at home: a list of the best flowers for the hearth
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  • For kitchenwhere there are often drafts and a lot of fumes, small flowers that need high humidity are suitable: calathea, balsam, arrowroot. Chlorophytum, which feeds on carbon dioxide, while releasing oxygen, will help get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke.
  • In the living roomwhere friends and family gather, you need to create a special atmosphere conducive to warm, intimate conversations.
    • V bright but not sunny living room it is advisable to place fuchsia, which cleans the room of stagnant energy, myrtle, which is considered a symbol of happiness, a monster that absorbs the activity of chaos and disorder.
    • In living rooms where there is little sunshine, place a drocene – a symbol of good luck and success, palm trees that cleanse the room from pessimism and apathy, a climbing philodendron that will fill the room with fresh, new energy.
    • V sunny, light-flooded living rooms put citrus plants, bamboo, contributing to success, career growth and the achievement of goals.

For health in every family you need to have aloe flower, which in the dark, unlike other flowers, does not absorb, but releases oxygen, and besides, aloe juice containing enzymes and vitamins stimulates appetite, has a laxative effect and promotes rapid wound healing. It is better to place such a flower in the bedroom, because it is believed that aloe does not like outsiders.

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Another healing flower is kalanchoe… The juice of this plant will help get rid of skin eczema and nasal mucus.

What flowers are good to keep at home: a list of the best flowers for the hearth
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Homemade ginseng is a flower called Golden mustache… After the formation of 9-12 dark-colored joints on it, it is able to help in the treatment of diseases such as pancreatitis, osteochondrosis, pneumonia, diabetes, and is also used for bruises, skin and colds. This flower is a panacea, the juice of which contains a large amount of vitamin C, ointments and tinctures are made.

Which flower is best suited for the home is up to you. But the main thing is to remember: in order for a flower to bring pleasant emotions, you need to provide it appropriate care, and then he will repay you a hundredfold.

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