
Pros and cons of being a makeup artist – where to study to be a makeup artist and how to find a job?

How to become a makeup artist?One of the most interesting and exciting professions in the beauty industry is, of course, a make-up artist. This specialist is responsible for creating the image using various makeup techniques and cosmetic “tools”. Appeared in the 16th century, make-up masters have now retrained themselves into successful makeup artists who often earn very serious money.

The content of the article:

  1. Conditions and features of the work of a make-up artist
  2. Pros and cons of being a makeup artist
  3. Professional skills and qualities
  4. Makeup artist salary and career
  5. Where to study to be a makeup artist?
  6. Finding a job as a makeup artist from scratch

Conditions and features of the work of a make-up artist

What is the profession?

A make-up artist is not only a specialist who is well versed in the properties of skin, creams and cosmetics. This is an artist who professionally paints his “pictures” on their faces.

A professional can easily “eliminate” pimples and freckles on the face, emphasize all the advantages, turn the ugly duckling into a beauty from a glossy cover and make the client believe that he is irresistible. Therefore, a makeup artist is also a psychologist.

Depending on the duties performed, this profession is divided into separate areas:

  • Makeup master. This specialist deals exclusively with “Make Up”: applies cosmetics, hides flaws, emphasizes “charisma”. Often such makeup artists are called to weddings and photo shoots, various holidays and other events where professional bright makeup is required.
  • Make-up stylist. Here we are talking not only about cosmetics, but about creating an image in general. The specialist forms the client’s image and then (as a rule) supports it.
  • Make-up artist-cosmetologist. But this specialist will not only find the most beneficial image for the client, but will also select the most effective skin care products. Of course, such a master will not be able to work with only one “crust” of make-up courses – a beautician certificate is required. How do clients choose a good beautician?

The main task of the makeup artist – make customers happy and beautiful. Moreover, in our time there are practically no restrictions in work – absolutely any person can be made beautiful.

Make-up is not limited only to the application of cosmetics: it includes care for the skin, eyelashes, lips, as well as painting and building, permanent makeup, etc.

Working conditions: what is it like working as a makeup artist?

Most often, representatives of the profession work indoors – standing or sitting – therefore, the work is considered quite difficult, with a serious load on the musculoskeletal system.

The work is very active, it requires constant communication with people, mobility, the ability to apply skills in any situation and with any clients.

Contraindications to working as a makeup artist:

  1. Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Phlebeurysm.
  4. Addiction to alcohol, drugs.
  5. Decreased visual acuity.
  6. Dermatological diseases and chronic infectious diseases.
  7. Allergy.

How to become a makeup artist from scratch

Pros and cons of being a makeup artist

Of the advantages of the profession, the following can be noted:

  • Solid fees (approx. – from professionals).
  • Constant communication with people, new connections, the opportunity to work with celebrities.
  • Creative activity.
  • The ability to travel around the country and the world. What professions allow you to travel?
  • The demand for the profession.

The disadvantages of the profession, of course, also exist:

  • Work on the legs and, as a result, varicose veins, stress on the spine.
  • High competition. There are many makeup artists today, and it is quite difficult to get to the stars.
  • It will not be possible to gain a foothold in the profession if the novice craftsman is unattractive in appearance, sloppy, unable to find an approach to the client, and is allergic to cosmetic products.
  • Working with irregular schedules. It’s one thing if you work in a beauty salon on schedule, and quite another if you ride with a film crew around the country.

Professional skills and qualities

The main requirements regarding the personal qualities of a makeup artist include:

  1. The ability to focus for a long time.
  2. Creative thinking, rich imagination.
  3. Accuracy of the eye, excellent memory and a sense of harmony.
  4. Cleanliness.
  5. Accuracy, patience and initiative.
  6. Tactfulness and benevolence.

Among the qualities of the professional are:

  • Sociability, the ability to quickly win over the client.
  • Developed artistic abilities.
  • Color perception.
  • The presence of figurative memory and thinking.
  • A sense of symmetry, precision, harmony.

Also, the makeup artist should know …

  1. The basics of makeup techniques and hair styling.
  2. Colors and style combinations.
  3. The range of cosmetic products, their texture and purpose, indications and contraindications.
  4. All innovations in the beauty industry.
  5. Client psychology.
  6. Assortment of working tools and preparations, their combination.
  7. Fundamentals of Fine Arts.

Pros and cons of being a makeup artist

Makeup artist salary and career

Make-up technique alone is not enough for successful work and quick climbing the career ladder.

You need to be an extremely sociable and creative person with an attractive appearance – well-groomed, neat, benevolent.


The most solid earnings usually start from spring to mid-autumn.

However, in beauty salons and show business, good masters are in demand all year round.


There is no career ladder, in the literal sense of the word, in this profession (unless in a very large corporation). It all depends on the talent and professionalism of the master. The more customers, the louder the word of mouth, the higher the income.

The pinnacle of a career is recognition, your “name” in the stellar environment, your own school or beauty salon.

In general, the steps of a “career” are work from home, a gradual expansion of the circle of clients, work in a salon, work on TV, in the theater or in the film industry, work in show business, master classes at an international level.


An average foreman in a metropolis salary does not exceed 40,000-50,000 rubles / month, in the regions it is 10-15 thousand rubles.

As for the “star” make-up, for each “session” the makeup artist, on average, receives 300-1000 American “Washington”.

Where to study to be a makeup artist?

Future masters receive basic knowledge in courses and in vocational / educational institutions, as well as in schools and beauty studios, in special training centers.

Upon admission, the following specialties are selected:

  1. Makeup basics.
  2. Hairdressing.
  3. Stylist, make-up artist.
  4. Theatrical and decorative art.

Where to go to study?

The most prestigious are:

  • State Technological University in Penza.
  • Socio-Pedagogical Institute in the capital.
  • State University named after HM. Berbekov in Kabardino-Balkaria.
  • Ural Academy of Architecture and Art.
  • College LOKON in St. Petersburg.
  • State University of Technology and Design in St. Petersburg.

And also schools of makeup artists:

  • Vladimir Kalinchev Make-up Studio.
  • And ICON FACE.

Where and how to study to be a makeup artist, and how to get a job?

Finding a job as a makeup artist from scratch

Where to look for work?

If you have already trained with family and friends, have acquired your own base of regular customers, and you and your talent are regularly invited to various events, then you can start by looking for a job in …

  1. Hairdressers and beauty salons.
  2. In theaters and in film / television studios.
  3. In fashion agencies (or in model ones).
  4. In beauty corners.
  5. In image creation companies.
  6. You can also start your own home business.

True, work experience is required from 1 year, examples of work are required, and there is only one chance for an interview. And they are greeted there by their clothes!

What to remember when starting your job search?

  • Let’s start with a portfolio. Ideal if you have your own website with your own work, articles and tips. Photos with your work should be attached according to the “before and after” scheme of your magic hands.
  • The ideal starting point is a beauty salon. Here the client himself “floats” into your hands. All that remains is the competent promotion and advertising of your services. An important point: the client should be able to contact you at any time, and not just by appointment.
  • Don’t shy away from TFP projects. This is a good experience and a chance to expand business ties.
  • Don’t forget the newspapers! Yes, yes, and there, too, many give (or are looking for) the numbers of the masters. It is better to advertise immediately in a large digest – well-written, credible. And, naturally, regularly!
  • We also use the Internet to the maximum: your business card site, specialized forums, message boards, “beauty” sites, etc.

Important recommendations:

  • Master related services. For example, eyelash extensions, eyebrow shaping, permanent makeup, etc. The more you can do, the wider your possibilities and the higher the demand for you.
  • Build contacts with good photographers, with employees of wedding salons, with models, florists, etc. Firstly, they will be useful to you, and secondly, they can advertise you to their clients. Make business contacts, advertise yourself, increase your chances of success with any available tools.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment, do not sit still, fill your hand – constantly move forward. One of the options is freelancing (work on order and with a visit to the client). It is on regular trips (weddings, graduations, photo shoots) that the accuracy and subtlety of movements, technicality are worked out, that very important experience is acquired.
  • Look for an opportunity to study from famous masters.
  • Always charge for work. Even if it’s your girlfriend. Even if it will be 15 rubles, any work must certainly be paid. Starting to work with clients, in an adult way, immediately set the price of the work for yourself. Not too high, but not too penny. Analyze the prices in this segment and find your sweet spot.
  • Please be patient. Glory does not come immediately, you have to work hard.
  • And stock up on tools. Be prepared to shell out for quality tools and cosmetics.

Improve, gain experience every day and never give up. Success comes only to those who don’t give up. website thanks you for your attention to the article! We will be very pleased if you share your feedback and tips in the comments below.

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