
Secrets of youth and beauty from TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya

Looking at the photographs of the announcer Larisa Verbitskaya, it is hard to believe that this gorgeous, blooming woman is already 61 years old!

It seems that time is bypassing the domestic TV presenter: slender, youthful and always impeccably dressed – she can compete with younger colleagues. But, of course, her beauty and well-groomed appearance are the result of the daily hard work and discipline of the star.

Colady magazine tried to find out what helps Larisa Verbitskaya cheat the time and stay attractive.

Larisa Verbitskaya
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

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Correct awakening

The TV presenter admits that she almost always had to get up early and over the years of work on television she managed to develop a clear algorithm of actions that help to feel cheerful and look good in the morning. The star does not jump out of bed immediately, but arranges a Tibetan warm-up in bed. This is followed by a small stretch and certainly a shower with a scrub and a light cream on the skin.

Larisa Verbitskaya 2
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

Walking and yoga

To maintain a fit figure, Larisa is helped by active sports. Among other things, the TV presenter especially highlights walking and yoga. The second is as a way of recharging the body and relieving nervous tension, and walking, according to Larisa, is a universal way of healing.

“As we get older, our legs need to stay strong. This is an important sign of longevity. Therefore, regular exercise such as walking is very important. “

Larisa Verbitskaya 3
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

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Active lifestyle

“Be active regardless of age. Any of your activities makes the onset of old age less noticeable, ”the TV presenter is sure.

In her free time, the star travels a lot, walks the dog, is engaged in a summer cottage – in a word, she does not get bored.

Larisa Verbitskaya 4
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

Proper nutrition and intermittent fasting

Larisa’s beautiful figure is a merit not only of physical activity and genetics, but also of the correct attitude to food: the TV presenter advises not to overeat and sometimes arrange for yourself intermittent fasting.

“If there is little, slowly and beautifully, then saturation comes quickly. So you won’t eat too much. “

Larisa Verbitskaya 5
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

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The main factor in external beauty is, of course, health. Larisa recommends that you listen carefully to your body and help it in the off-season with vitamins A, C, group B, D3 – just those substances that will help you avoid dry skin and the appearance of pigmentation.

Daily skin care

In order for the skin to retain its elasticity and the face to always look fresh, one should not forget about the simplest daily care. Larisa recommends using a cream that contains essential oils, caffeine, vitamin A polypeptide and argireline. Also, the TV presenter advises contacting lymphatic drainage facial massage and patches.

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Photo @larisa_verbitskaya


Remember sunscreen, – the TV presenter advises and emphasizes that the sun is very insidious, especially in the spring. Not only mature ladies, but also young girls should be wary of the effects of UV rays, which contribute to the appearance of pigmentation on the skin and early aging.

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Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

Correct makeup and modern looks

Of course, clothes, makeup and hairstyle affect our appearance no less than the condition of the figure, skin and hair. Larisa keeps her finger on the pulse and dresses elegantly, but at the same time, taking into account all the trends in the fashion world. The same applies to her makeup: the TV presenter chooses a barely noticeable natural make-up, which does not add to her years, but, on the contrary, gives a rejuvenating effect.

Correct makeup and modern looks
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

Mind training

“I came to the conclusion long ago that age is determined not by numbers, but by the state of mind”– Larisa writes in her Instagram and she is certainly right: intellectual workload and social activity help us not to grow old “morally” and to maintain clarity of thinking. And this is very important for every modern woman.

Mind training
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

Positive attitude

Larisa is sure that laughter is the best medicine and therefore always looks at life with a positive and tries to avoid negativity. This attitude is one of the ways to preserve female beauty and youth, because emotions greatly affect our health and appearance.

Positive attitude
Photo @larisa_verbitskaya

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