
Why all selfies with a smiling quokka evoke such emotion

A new trend is gaining popularity on the Internet – photographs with an amazing little animal from Australia. You may not have heard of quokke, but saw his photos on the Internet.

So, get acquainted. This quokka Is the most smiling animal in the world. Quokka – the only representative of the genus Setonix family of kangaroo and lives only on some islets near Western Australia, for example, on the island Rottnest

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

It is not surprising that in 2013 the media quokku for his amazing smile, he was dubbed “the happiest animal on the planet.” How can you not fall in love with this kid? Looking at this cute little animal, it is simply impossible not to smile.

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

The closest relatives of the quokka are the kangaroo

Quokki come from the same family as the kangaroos, but outwardly they are not much like them.

Of course, there are likeness:

  • the presence of a bag in which a small quokka;
  • powerful hind legs.

The difference quokkas from other representatives of the kangaroo family (kangaroos, wallaby, philander, wallaru, kangaroo rats):

  • this marsupial cannot lean on or defend against its short tail.
  • it does not have a long tail.

But the most positive animal in Australia is still not discouraged – hind legs quokkas powerful enough to jump without tail support. Moreover, quokka runs perfectly and, if desired, can reach speeds of up to 50 km / h. And also the animal has a wonderful scent, hearing and sight. And that’s not all! Quokki swim very well and feel great in the water.

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Unique reproduction

These cute animals boast good fertility: quokka is the only animal on the planet in which, after mating, not one, but two embryos are formed at once, one of which begins to develop, and the second goes into a pause phase.

Like all representatives of the kangaroo family, a small marsupial animal also has a bag for carrying offspring. She gives birth to one cub and feeds him in a bag for a long time.

If the first birth was successful, the second embryo begins to develop only when the first baby leaves the mother’s bag. Thus, the female goes through the stages of two pregnancies after just one mating! It is as if nature decided to insure these cute creatures from extinction.

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Good-naturedness and lovingness

By size quokka no more than an average dog, and the animal is completely defenseless in front of predators, which is the main difference quokkas from the kangaroo. Moreover, “Kvoshka” often threatened by domestic animals – dogs and cats.

Even judging by its appearance, it becomes obvious that the animal will not offend a fly. Although they are few in number, they are known throughout the world for their endless love of life and positiveness. Seeing a person, they immediately run up and sniff at him, while smiling absolutely sweetly.

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Live quokkas up to 10 years old and like other marsupials – they are vegetarians, they are mostly nocturnal. This animal belongs to the kindest creatures on the planet. That is why they are not at all afraid of people. And this is a fact! There are so many selfies on the net with this cute animal.

It should be noted that quokkas are endangered and listed in the international Red Book as vulnerable mammals.

Why are they constantly smiling?

Seeing this kangaroo relative gives the impression that he is constantly smiling and in a great mood. The phenomenon of this smile is very simple to explain. As a rule, these adorable animals feed on poisonous Australian vegetation: grass, leaves, shoots and fruits of various trees.

The smile is the result of the relaxation of the facial muscles after chewing on this tough food. The animal chews almost all the time, and when it stops, the mouth muscles relax. It looks like the animal is constantly smiling.

It is this appearance that makes people think about the friendliness of this funny animal with an eternal smile. Little quokka shows his Hollywood smile even in his sleep!

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Best Selfie Animal

Tourists and residents of Australia cannot pass by this fluffy and glorious marsupial. Many who meet in life quokka, immediately lose their minds and rush to take a “quash” selfie with him.

Moreover, social media users have even launched the hashtag #quokkaselfie. Incredible popularity quokkas led to the fact that even special tours to the islands are organized to take a selfie or photo with his participation.

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Of course, there are other animals in Australia to take pictures with. For example, with a kangaroo, which can knock down with one blow. However, people believe that taking pictures together with a friendly quokka much nicer and safer. At least so far, no cases of human death from the paws of a cheerful and harmless animal have been reported.

These furry babies easily make contact with a person and, judging by their happy faces, they really like to be photographed! These smiling animals have become more popular even than koalas! It is possible that soon, thanks to his unusual face, quokka will become the unofficial symbol of Australia. And this is not surprising. After all quokka Is one of the most adorable animals in Australia.

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Editorial staff Colady can’t help but smile at this cute animal. Quokka will melt anyone, even the coldest heart. Surely you, too, want a vivid and memorable photo with the most smiling animal in the world.

Attention! During viewing, a repeated feeling of tenderness may appear.

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

Who is Kwokka, and why all selfies with him evoke such emotion

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